Warning: include_once(/home/httpd/html/leaguestat/site/analytics.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/html/leaguestat/site/conf/header.inc on line 56

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/httpd/html/leaguestat/site/analytics.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/bin/php5/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/httpd/html/leaguestat/site/conf/header.inc on line 56


The NewSport Media team is more than just a collection of individuals. We are a group of professionals who, working together, achieve great things with and for our clients. Every member of our team has a connection to sport and are experts in their fields. We are a team of Senior IT workers who have come together to create a development boutique with a genuine passion for every project.

More than that, the company itself is organized around a set of well-developed lifestyle principles. Our team cycles to work, runs at lunch, swims with the family on weekends. We play golf, hockey, basketball and racket sports. We ski, hike, climb and surf. We take time away from the office to spend with our friends and families in pursuit of our hobbies. NewSport Media offers variable work hours and telecommuting to give staff more time with their families instead of driving on congested roads.

All of this has helped us build the best possible work environment we can imagine and has attracted like-minded individuals with a self motivated drive to do the best work we can for our clients and for our sports.

Want to join our team? Contact Us and let us know about you.